
Saturday, March 24, 2012


I am not one to sit down and write down my goals. I always have a general idea of what I'm working towards, but really focusing on them?

Not so much.

However, in the long run, it might be helpful to have a place to look back and see what I'm working for, and have some stepping stones to get there, as well.

Run a half-marathon

I have no plans EVER to run a marathon. You couldn't pay me to run that long, but I really would like to be able to run a half marathon. My plan is to be able to run one by the end of this year or the beginning 0f 2013. Granted that is if we survive the zombie apocalypse.

In prep of a half, I need to work on my distance running, as well as my form. I'm currently training for an April 5k, and when that is over, I'm going to looking into Jeff Galloway's training programs.

Run a 30 minute 5k

Along with distance, I would like to be faster. My last 5k was 43.19 minutes... and that was a PR. I'm well aware of how slow this is and I'm currently working on adding endurance and speed to my running. For my April 5k I would love to be able to finish in under 40. While my current PR is lacking, I am still happy it was faster then my last two.

I'm getting there.

Be in a healthy BMI percentage

I'm still working up the courage to share my weight and BMI with the world-- but I am going to actively work towards reaching this goal with exercise and healthy eating habits.

Create a healthy lifestyle

I've done the diets, and sure they worked for a time, but I need to focus on creating new habits that will last.

How do you help yourself reach your goals? Do you track them?

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